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6. Write a prayer that God will grant you the strength, courage, and opportunity to confess your sins to those you have sinned against.


Coaching Q1

5. Write a confession using the Guidelines for Confession as outlined in the Proclaiming God's Forgiveness form.


Coaching Q1

4. Reflecting now on the Gospel promise of 1 John 1:7-10, reconsider your "Log List" as you use the following for self-evaluation:

Sinful thoughts

  • Anger, malice, bitterness.

  • Judging or condemning the other person in your heart.

  • Assuming the other person’s motives.

  • Justifying your actions because the other person hurt or disappointed you

Sinful words (verbal, email, texting, Facebook, etc)

  • Worthless talk that does not benefit or build others up, such as name calling, sinful judging, angry words, etc.

  • Grumbling and complaining

  • Falsehood (including exageration)

  • Gossip or slander

Sinful actions

  • Avoid the other person rather than talk to him/her.

  • Using avoidance as a way to control the other person.

  • Attacking the other person in any way (words, email,looks, talking to someone in authority in order to bring force to bear on the person, etc.).

  • Breaking your word or failing to do all you promised.

  • Misusing authority.

  • Being disrespectful to authority.

  • Failing to treat others as you wish to be treated.


Coaching Q1

3. Compare the lists you created in questions 1 and 2 in light of Luke 6:41 and Matthew 7:5. What is your conclusion?


Coaching Q1

2. How have you contributed to the dispute between you and your opponent? We'll call this the "Log List" (or "Plank List" depending on your Bible translation)


Coaching Q1

1. How has your opponent contributed to the dispute between you? We'll call this a "Speck List"


Coaching Q1
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