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Family Reconciliation Assistance

Living your faith in your family

Family Reconciliation Assistance at a Glance

Working with individuals, families and extended families, this service is typically provided online by a single reconciler. Beginning with a Bible study on reconciliation, it also includes reconciliation consultation on a time & materials basis. Since it is online, we can serve families separated by great distances. In-person service is optional.

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Family Reconciliation Process


Start in the Word

"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17)


We'll start by studying God's Word  individually or in a webinar entitled Conflict Resolution vs Reconciliation.

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Apply the Word
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Your reconciler will meet with family members individually and in groups to help everyone apply Scripture to their family experience. We call this "pre-mediation coaching" and it is focused on preparing everyone for a fruitful experience in mediation.

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This culminates with the reconciler leading family members in Christian Mediation where, by God's grace, family members can reconcile personal offenses and resolve material issues.

What You Can Expect In Mediation

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Get Started:

Calendar Agenda Appointment Schedule Con

4. Setup an appointment with a staff member

Family Portrait
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