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Spiritual Leadership
Self-paced Study
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Colossians 3:16
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Student Email | Expiration |
jglaskey@immanueljoplin.com | |
cramstad@immanueljoplin.com | |
ncolban@outlook.com | |
phyllis79@hotmail.com | |
lbommarito@martinlutherjoplin.com | |
sylviascheetz6@gmail.com | |
rtaylor@martinlutherjoplin.com | |
athompson@theanchorbiblechurch.org | |
tjemt21@gmail.com | |
dlarimer@gmail.com | |
kerri@aorhope.org | |
daryl.d.becker@gmail.com | |
hangingthemoon4u@gmail.com | |
hangingthemoon4u@gmail.com | |
daryl.d.becker@gmail.com | |
alivengzus@gmail.com | |
annette@aorhope.org | |
akessler@martinlutherjoplin.com | |
jmkraeme@ualberta.ca | |
wendyscottromine@gmail.com | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
wendyscottromine@gmail.com | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
michael@lampministry.org | |
nswerhun@telus.net | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
gigoebel-gp@hotmail.com | |
kreative.kraemers@gmail.com | |
sarah.faithlc@gmail.com | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
nswerhun@telus.net | |
pastorfraserc62@gmail.com | |
sbromine@gmail.com | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
kreative.kraemers@gmail.com | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
pastorfraserc62@gmail.com | |
jmkraeme@ualberta.ca | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
jmkraeme@ualberta.ca | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
sbromine@gmail.com | |
adamchandler@shaw.ca | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
sarah.faithlc@gmail.com | |
crystal.lifeunlimited73@gmail.com | |
mel.h.graham@gmail.com | |
renewinglightcoaching@gmail.com | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
alex.c.timm@gmail.com | |
ventura.faithlc@telus.net | |
alewis@telusplanet.net | |
scienceclub@martinlutherjoplin.com | |
ncolban@outlook.com | |
alivengzus@gmail.com | |
debrefamily@gmail.com | |
heathercamplair@gmail.com | |
oznut16@yahoo.com | |
slappenbush@yahoo.ca | |
dscheetz@telus.net | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
alewis@telusplanet.net | |
dlarimer@gmail.com | |
paul.buckley@kingofgrace.org | |
prestonpaul@icloud.com | |
prestonpaul@icloud.com | |
paul.buckley@kingofgrace.org | |
dlarimer@gmail.com | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
dlarimer@gmail.com | |
prestonpaul@icloud.com | |
pastor@roseofsharonlutheran.org | |
iluvbugs@twc.com | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
pastor@roseofsharonlutheran.org | |
deaconessjoanna@gmail.com | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
sonjabland70@gmail.com | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
adamchandler@shaw.ca | |
stephanieb@webstergardens.org | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
renewinglightcoaching@gmail.com | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
paul.buckley@kingofgrace.org | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
slappenbush@yahoo.ca | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
debrefamily@gmail.com | |
daryl.d.becker@gmail.com | |
marvinmoss1955@gmail.com | |
sadoennig@gmail.com | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
dscheetz@telus.net | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
heathercamplair@gmail.com | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
alex.c.timm@gmail.com | |
mel.h.graham@gmail.com | |
friarpuk@gmail.com | |
traaslm112@sbcglobal.net | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
iluvbugs@twc.com | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
alivengzus@gmail.com | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
ncolban@outlook.com | |
paul.buckley@kingofgrace.org | |
perrydavis556@gmail.com | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
mel.h.graham@gmail.com | |
timothy@sandeno.us | |
maddy@aorhope.org | |
nswerhun@telus.net | |
dkwfp@yahoo.com | |
dkwfp@yahoo.com | |
alivengzus@gmail.com | |
dave@webstergardens.org | |
mel.h.graham@gmail.com | |
sshearman@stpaulsdp.org | |
tommonicagato@gmail.com | |
melissa@crossroadsresolution.com | |
jmkraeme@ualberta.ca | |
gigoebel-gp@hotmail.com | |
jmkraeme@ualberta.ca | |
theschadecks2@hotmail.com | |
jmkraeme@ualberta.ca | |
communications@immanuellutheran.ca | |
heathercamplair@gmail.com | |
maddy@aorhope.org | |
theschadecks2@hotmail.com | |
dlarimer@gmail.com | |
dlarimer@gmail.com | |
prestonpaul@icloud.com | |
grubendeborah@gmail.com | |
paul.buckley@kingofgrace.org | |
paul.buckley@kingofgrace.org | |
grubendebirah@gmail.com | |
revrdittmer@gmail.com | |
grubendeborah@gmail.com | |
kklc.samantha@gmail.com | |
revrdittmer@gmail.com | |
ntaylor@elmlaw.com | |
annette@aorhope.org | |
maddy@aorhope.org | |
partnership4peace@gmail.com | |
jaime.venturat@gmail.com | |
sarah.faithlc@gmail.com | |
kreative.kraemers@gmail.com | |
kreative.kraemers@gmail.com | |
sbromine@gmail.com | |
gigoebel-gp@hotmail.com | |
janice.kraemer@ualberta.ca | |
d.milette.moncton@gmail.com | |
renewinglightcoaching@gmail.com | |
adamchandler@shaw.ca | |
pastor@immanuellutheran.ca | |
alewis@telusplanet.net | |
andrew.kyle.mcdonald@gmail.com | |
sarahworkman248@gmail.com | |
chewie2.anderson@gmail.com | |
ncolban@outlook.com | |
dlarimer@gmail.com | |
cort.thomas@gmail.com | |
dlarimer@gmail.com | |
ncolban@outlook.com | |
christopher.mccready1998@gmail.com | |
alivengzus@gmail.com | |
alivengzus@gmail.com | |
sonjabland70@gmail.com | |
paul.buckley@kingofgrace.org | |
pvbasile@shaw.ca | |
pvbasile@shaw.ca | |
wendygollnick@gmail.com | |
dslater50@gmail.com | |
pastorvieth@trinityl.org | |
melissa@crossroadsresolution.com | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
melissa@crossroadsresolution.com | |
pastormielke@trinityL.org | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
gsamahn@gmail.com | |
jgerber@myncbc.org | |
chewie2.anderson@gmail.com | |
alivengzus@gmail.com | |
pastordh@telus.net | |
dslater50@gmail.com | |
christopher.mccready1998@gmail.com | |
pastorfraserc62@gmail.com | |
d_e_carlson@att.net | |
wendyscottromine@gmail.com | |
wendyscottromine@gmail.com | |
gary@jermat.ca | |
sbromine@gmail.com | |
prestonpaul@icloud.com | |
pastorvieth@trinityl.org | |
melissa@crossroadsresolution.com | |
dwight@aorhope.org | |
Expiration Date
Healthy Spiritual Leadership
Modified excerpt from the book Built on the Rock: The Healthy Congregation by Ted Kober[1]
The church is unlike any other club or service organization. She is the body of Christ. Thus, her leaders need to be equipped spiritually to serve Christ and His mission.
A spiritually healthy church depends upon spiritually healthy leadership. Without regular nourishment from God’s Word, the church loses its distinction as Christ’s body among her members. Regular feeding on the Living Word is crucial for building up her leaders and sustaining the congregation’s health.
Leaders who provide spiritual care for members do so intentionally. They work together to assure that all members are regularly visited and prayed for.
Professional church workers sacrifice in their service to the church. Just as the members they serve, they, too, need to be cared for and well fed. The lay leadership has the privilege and opportunity to minister to the ministers, so they can remain healthy together.
[1] Published by Concordia Publishing House, September 2017. © Ambassadors of Reconciliation.
Objectives for this training include equipping both professional church workers and lay leaders:
To be spiritually healthy and effective leaders.
To prioritize commitment for abiding regularly in God’s Word.
To make leadership meetings effective and meaningful.
To provide spiritual care for members and visitors.
For lay leaders to provide care for their pastors and other professional church workers.
To lead the church in being spiritually healthy – a church whose leadership and membership are solidly grounded in Christ, nourished by God’s Word, and apply it to their lives.
Course Outline
1. Congregational Leadership from a Spiritual Perspective
2. Meaningful and Effective Board Meetings
3. Caring for Our Pastors, Other Church Workers, and Their Families
4. Caring for Congregational Members
5. Leading a Devotion
6. Conclusion
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Copyright Information
This Spiritual Leadership Self-paced Study Course was produced and copyrighted by Ambassadors of Reconciliation (AoR). Information on using our copyrighted material is available at https://www.aorhope.org/copyrighted-material.
Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
This publication is designed to provide general information on biblical conflict resolution. It is not intended to provide legal or other professional advice. If legal counsel or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.
© 2019 by Ambassadors of Reconciliation. All rights reserved