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Group Reconciliation Assistance

Unresolved conflict and broken relationships within a congregation, school, or other organization can either tear it apart or be the new beginning of a Christ-centered ministry. This most extensive service of Ambassadors of Reconciliation guides people to be first reconciled to God, then to one another often restoring fruitful ministry.

Our Approach

Our ministry is based on the firm belief that as Christians we are guided in our response to conflict by what God teaches us in Holy Scripture. Consistently we find that the basic commandments and promises that provide a biblical response to conflicts between children, between spouses, and between Christian business people are the same commandments and promises that apply in responding to conflict within organizations.


When we are asked to assist a church or other organization in reconciliation, we seek to determine the root causes of the conflict and guide and encourage the organization's professional and lay leaders to respond with biblical faithfulness. All aspects of assisting an organization in reconciliation are conducted in accordance with the Rules of Procedure found in Guidelines for Christian Conciliation published by the Institute for Christian Conciliation, a division of Ambassadors of Reconciliation.

Looking up.png
Top View of Sneakers from above, Male and female feet in sneakers, standing at dividing frontier lin

Our Role and Your Role

A reconciliation team is not an arbitration panel. We neither ask for nor seek authority to make any binding judgments regarding individual actions or particular issues. Instead, we teach, gather background information through personal interviews with key parties, facilitate meetings between parties who are ready to work toward reconciliation, and offer our insights, analysis, and counsel to assist you in guiding your organization toward a biblical resolution of these matters.

Organizational leaders or members frequently would like Ambassadors of Reconciliation to assume total responsibility for resolution of the conflict. This we cannot and should not do. While we will work with you to identify individuals involved with the conflict who would be key candidates for private mediation, it is the responsibility of the leaders and members of the organization to actually live out their vocation as peacemakers. 


Although the Lord has blessed Ambassadors of Reconciliation in this area, we recognize that our role is limited. We are to clearly and accurately teach and challenge listeners with God's Word; however, only God can grant repentance and change a person's heart (2 Timothy 2:24-26).

A Team Approach

We have found that the most productive and beneficial approach in responding to complex organizational conflicts is to appoint a reconciliation team of several people in order to draw from a wider range of gifts and counsel and to meet the specific needs of the group. Team sizes vary from two to three or more people. The team includes a diversity of backgrounds, and often both genders are represented. Depending on the needs of the organization, team members may be drawn from pastors, lay people, attorneys, counselors, accountants, or other professions.

Business Group

Group Reconciliation Assistance at a Glance

The GRA is our most comprehensive and intensive service. It involves a team of 2 or more reconcilers investing hundreds of hours of consultation during 3 or more visits over several months. 

Audience in Lecture
Group Reconciliation Testimonies

Group Reconciliation Testimonies

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All Categories

St James GRA Testimony - 3m

Group Reconciliation Assistance Documentary - 30m

Immanuel GRA Testimony - 3m

Our Savior GRA Testimony - 3m

Summary of Process

Process Begins


  • Organization accepts proposal

  • Leaders authorize contract and contact Ambassadors

Team Preparation

4 - 8 Weeks Minimum

  • Ambassadors appoints team and schedules the team’s visits

  • Leaders complete pre-reconciliation homework

  • Reconciler Team reviews records and governing documents

First Visit

Team On-site Four Days (Saturday - Tuesday)

  • Day 1: Team presents full-day Bible study on Peacemaking (everyone is encouraged to attend); individuals sign up for interviews at end of study.

  • Day 2: Team attends worship services (if organization is a church); meets with boards and leaders; begins individual interviews. 

  • Days 3-4: Team continues individual interviews

Between Visits

4 - 6 Weeks

  • Leaders complete additional homework assigned by Reconciler Team

  • Members/employees encouraged to begin peacemaking as coached by Team

  • Reconciler Team studies all data collected; prepares for 2nd visit

Second Visit

Team On-site Four Days (Thursday - Sunday)

  • Day 1-2: Coaching individuals

    • Interviewing potential reconcilers from the organizatio

    • Mediate with key persons who are willing to work with Team

  • Day 3: Reconciler Team makes oral report to leadership

  • Day 4: Reconciler Team participates in morning worship (if a church) as invited by leaders; Team makes oral report to those in worship

Written Report

Within 30 Days of Second Visit

  • Reconciler Team provides written report within 30 days after leaving: The report:

    • Notes strengths and weaknesses of congregatio

    • Identifies the major conflicts affecting the congregatio

    • Observes sinful behaviors of congregation and groups (but not individuals)

    • Provides long-term and short-term recommendations, both spiritual and material

Follow-up Visit

Within 60 Days of Receiving Written Report

Team leader makes a one day follow-up visit within 60 days of organization receiving written report.

Get Started:

Calendar Agenda Appointment Schedule Con

Setup an appointment with a staff member

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