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2023 ICC Certification Graduation

Kerri Goss

Year after year, the Lord continues to faithfully raise up individuals who have a heart and calling to serve those entagled in conflict. One group represents years of training, more than 50 hours of actual conciliation work, learning under an Advisor, logging details of their casework and many hours of learning in our Institute for Christian Conciliation (ICC) Certification Program. Becoming a Certified Christian Conciliator (CCC) is not easy work and those who work through the program are doing so because they feel a passion and conviction about Christian conciliation and want to see it lived out in the lives of others. Therefore, we applaud those who, through perserverance and highs and lows, complete that journey and graduate.

This year we have 6 graduates: Anita Johnson, James Nodder, Kelli Russell, Brian Sayers, Diane Shook and Kevin Smith. All of these graduates started when the ICC was under a different organization and have remained steadfast to the Lord's calling. Please join me in congratulating them and feel free to leave a comment of congratulations or prayer. The graduation will be held on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 4:00pm Mountain. Download the attached pdf to see the details. If you would like the Zoom link to attend, please email me at

Great job graduates and praise the Lord!

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