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CCC Annual Renewal is OPEN!

Christmas greetings everyone!

Since announcing just ten days ago that the Institute for Christian Conciliation was coming to Ambassadors of Reconciliation, the response has been awesome. We are so excited to serve the Christian Conciliator community! Several of you have already completed the Certification Renewal Process!

Annual Renewal is really streamlined this year with just two steps:

  1. First, login and complete the Annual Renewal Form. Your responses are saved if you need to pause and come back later.

  2. Second, select one of the following Christian Reconciler Membership Levels:

    1. Volunteer Level ($99)

    2. Vocational Level ($149)

    3. Professional Level ($199)

That's it! Even if you haven't been certified in a while, you're encouraged to renew (or initiate!) your membership. Even if you don't qualify for the Certified Christian Conciliatorâ„¢ credential, you may still qualify for the other Christian Reconcilerâ„¢ certificates and be part of the community. Remember, HALF of your membership fee is returned to you as a coupon for AoR resources or training! There has never been a better value for CCCs!

To learn more, join us January 4th at 9:30am Mountain Time for an ICC Informational Webinar! Sign up today!

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