The Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation published by the Institute for Christian Conciliation is an important document that binds the Christian Conciliation world together. As Christian Reconcilers™ and Certified Christian Conciliators™ we all agree to serve in accord with these rules. If you haven't reviewed them recently, it's a good idea to do so again, now!
ICC as a division of Ambassadors of Reconciliation will make these rules available to the public in several formats:
First, anyone may view the most recent version of the rules (2021/December) on our website at Bookmark this page today!
Second, anyone may purchase a printed copy of the latest version of the rules as part of a larger 48 page booklet entitled Guidelines for Christian Conciliation © Ambassadors of Reconciliation. The cost is just $2.99 and they are available TODAY!
Finally, upon completing your Annual Renewal, Certified Christian Conciliators™ will receive:
A printed copy of the Guidelines for Christian Conciliation booklet, PLUS
A license to download (and optionally print) this same document for use in your own ministry of reconciliation. This link will be on your "Reconciler Menu" once our office processes your renewal.
We have a team of experienced and dedicated Certified Christian Conciliators™ who update these rules as needed to ensure the rules continue to serve this community well. The Rules Committee will reconvene again in 1st quarter 2022 to contemplate several substantive updates. Certified Christian Conciliators™ in good standing will have opportunity to download the updated document as soon as it is published. Stay tuned!
This is just one more benefit of completing your Annual Renewal. Complete it today!
To learn more, join us January 4th at 9:30am Mountain Time for an ICC Informational Webinar! Sign up today!