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Your Witness is Showing

Your witness is showing.

“The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians: who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.”

– Brennen Manning

The truth is that marriages in our Christian community suffer just like those of the world. Issues resulting from interpersonal conflict are collectively the number one reason missionaries return from the mission field. Issues surrounding interpersonal and group conflict culminate into a primary reason pastors leave the pastorate. Conflict is also identified as a significant reason for church decline in America.

Christians’ lack of biblical reconciliation is the reason interpersonal conflicts have this devastating impact on our witness to the watching world.

Who among us couldn’t use a little help reconciling conflicts like these? Don’t we all know someone who needs help this way? Read on! We have a gift for you … and for your friends.

Now, imagine if Christians would learn to respond to one another with confession and forgiveness as Jesus teaches rather than trying to divide and conquer as the world would have us behave. What if every marriage had the life-changing promises of reconciliation available rather than depending on worldly responses that drive people apart? Can you imagine if all families had the practical guidance of biblical reconciliation at their fingertips as they raise their children? What would happen if every church struggling with conflict had a resource available that could reverse the destructive trend back to fruitful ministry? IT WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING!!

You can DO SOMETHING, to reverse these trends!

Have you ever wondered what difference it would make if everyone could learn how to reconcile biblically?

Wonder no more ... that day is HERE! Because of your generous support, we are announcing a new on-line resource that is available to every person of every tribe, every nation and of every race. A resource that is needed by EVERYONE! A resource that can literally change lives, save marriages, and mend church-splitting disputes. Bold claims, indeed. We make these claims because through your support, we see this impact as we apply this teaching in the midst of conflicts. In one training, Jack was so convicted about the conflict with his wife, he left class to reconcile with her over the phone! In another case, an elder board was reconciled to the congregation through mutual confession and forgiveness! You make this possible.

A student in our Coaching People through Conflict training exclaimed as if he had an epiphany, "It's like the Gospel is the universal balm that heals all wounds!" He was right, it's just like that. It's the Gospel that has this kind of impact. It's the Gospel that can heal our wounds. It's the Gospel that can resurrect dead relationships. And it's the Gospel at the center of this new resource:

This is the newest resource from Ambassadors of Reconciliation. In a fun and engaging on-line presentation, it teaches how we are first reconciled to God through Christ, and how He empowers us to be reconciled to one another. Since it's on-line, it can be available to everyone via our website, right now!

This is where you come in. YOU can help make this course available at no cost to anyone who needs it. YOU can partner with us today to provide scholarships for just $5 per person! This course will remain freely available as long as scholarships are funded!

I have more good news. We are providing a scholarship to this course as a GIFT FOR YOU! That's right, you can log in right now to see for yourself. This will allow you to experience the course and see how it will help others. I encourage you to check it out! Visit

With this innovative program, you can also monitor the impact of your gifts! Check out the top of the course where you can see the number of people impacted by your gifts!

Everyone receiving a scholarship will be challenged to Pay It Forward with additional scholarships if they believe the course was beneficial to them. This will multiply the impact of your gift!

By God's grace, we pray to reach 20,000 people with this teaching before the end of the year! Sounds audacious doesn't it? It's entirely possible and it all starts with YOU. You can do these three things to make a significant impact:

  • Share this life-changing gift with your friends, family and church. Point them to Just share it with them because you care. No strings attached. You will directly impact the lives of those with whom you share this gift. Ask your church to include a bulletin announcement about this course. What if EVERY church made this available to its members?

  • Impact individual lives by Funding Scholarships. This enables people seeking help can find it. How many people do you know struggling in a relationship? Provide scholarships for them all! Consider making a monthly gift to add scholarships each month!

  • Become a fundraiser to make even MORE scholarships available. It's easy! This is a means for all of us to invite friends and family to make a positive impact for reconciliation. All funds raised through your campaign will be used as scholarships to impact relationships with reconciliation. Visit to learn more.

The need is huge. The challenge is daunting. But with your help we can reach this goal of 20,000 scholarships and change more lives than ever through reconciliation.

The resulting witness of restored marriages, families and churches is unimaginable! Please send your gift and make your life-changing, witness-altering impact today!

We're talking eternal impact!

In this season of Thanksgiving, we are so thankful for you and all of your support. We're extremely excited to see what God has in store for this new course and the impact He will make through YOU.

"All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation."

(2 Corinthians 5:18-19)

You are an Ambassador of Reconciliation when you share this gift of reconciliation!

Remember, your witness is showing.

Thank you in advance!

In Christ’s service,

Dwight Schettler President

P.S. Think of all the people you know who could use this teaching and enable that many scholarships TODAY!

P.P.S. Earlier in my note I mentioned this course is available to EVERY tribe, nation and race. If you have a heart for making this available in other languages, give me call. P.P.S. Contact me if you have questions about donating appreciated stock. There are tax benefits for you and it's a great way to bless the ministry of reconciliation!

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