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Reconciliation Prayers
* Adapted from Forgiven to Forgive and A Reason for Hope
For sharing the reason for my hope
Lord, You call me to share the reason for the hope I have in the Lord Jesus Christ. May my message focus on the gospel, the good news that the Son of God came into our world as truly human, living a perfect life, dying in our place on the cross, and rising again in power. May I present Your promise that all who trust in Him experience forgiveness of sins, right standing before God, the indwelling of the Spirit, and the hope of eternal life. While You give me full assurance of the truth of Your message, guide me that my motive be one of love, my attitude one of respect, and my manner one of gentleness. May You open others’ hearts to the Savior. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
For hope in light of despair
Father in heaven, while I know Your word is true and You promise to be my Good Shepherd throughout this life, that promise seems distant and empty right now. All I am able to see is despair, emptiness, and sorrow. I need relief from this sorrow to help me see Your light. I need to be filled with Your peace to relieve this emptiness. I need hope to soothe my despair. I know Jesus suffered on the cross in my place. I know He rose from the grave in victory over death. Help me to keep my eyes on Him, for He is my hope. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
For hope in my being able to confess and forgive
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for reconciling me to You while I was still a sinner. You sent Your Son to pay the price for all of my sins. In light of Your mercy, help me examine my own heart before I reach out to help others see their sins. Strengthen my faith that I may confess my sins to You and those I have sinned against. As I confess to others, keep me from demanding their forgiveness, as forgiveness is an undeserved gift. Instead, increase my trust in You and the hope I have in Your forgiveness. Remembering Your mercy toward me, move me to forgive those who have sinned against me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
For hope of reconciliation to someone
Gracious Heavenly Father, hurtful words from others cause me to hold anger and bitterness in my heart. At times I hold so tightly to my own convictions that I fail to remember You sent Your one and only Son to die on the cross for all sins, not just mine. Please forgive me for Jesus’ sake. Guide me to forgive others as You have forgiven me. Lead me to confess my sin to those I have hurt. Renew my heart that I may live as an example of Your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
For hope in the midst of conflict
Heavenly Father, You know the depth of my conflict with [name]. In the conflict between You and me, You reconciled me to You through Your own Son’s suffering and death. Because of the glorified, risen Christ, I know by faith that I may have hope that You can be glorified in the midst of my conflict. Grant me the grace to forgive and the humility to recognize my own sin and the false gods in which I have placed my hope. Like the apostle Paul, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Thank You for Jesus whose death reconciled me to You. May the power of the cross be my living hope today and bring reconciliation to this conflict. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
For hope in Christ no matter what happens
Gracious and merciful Lord, You have called me out of the darkness of my sin into the light of Your forgiveness and peace. During this earthly life that is filled with uncertainty, You continue to provide me with all that I need to support this body and life. Help me, I pray, to live each day in hope and confidence, looking forward to that day when I will see You face to face in my heavenly home. I do not know what will happen in the days, weeks, and months to come. But I know that for the sake of Your Son Jesus, You forgive me and will never leave me nor forsake me. My times are in Your hands. Give me peace. Give me strength. Give me hope. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
For hope to serve well as a reconciler (based on Psalms 27 and 28)
You, Lord, are my Light and Salvation, the Stronghold of my life. Whom shall I fear? Hear me when I call to You, O Lord. Be gracious to me and answer me. Though friends, family, or others forsake me, do not hide Your face from me. Teach me Your way, O Lord. Lead me on a level path. Help me show Your love and mercy to those around me as I serve You and them in these days. Grant me patience, strength, and courage as I wait for You. You are my Strength and Shield. Bless me with Your wisdom and peace as I seek to be used by You in restoring the oneness You have established for us in Christ our Lord. In His precious name I pray. Amen.
For hope in our broken relationships with unbelievers (especially family)
O Lord Jesus, our Savior, we cry out to You on behalf of our unsaved loved ones. We pray for their eternal salvation. May we be bold and clear in presenting Your gospel. We also pray for their broken relationships, especially ones that, to them, seem hopeless. We know that You are the God who raises dead people to life! And You raise dead relationships to life, too! Please, God, pierce stony hearts and lead each person to humble repentance. Remove blinders and make them to see clearly Christ, who is the Light. And if we have sinned in this situation? Let us model confessing our sin, receiving rebuke, and lavishly forgiving, just as in Christ we have been forgiven. For the reconciliation of Your people and Your glory! Amen.
For hope of reconciliation between others I care about
Heavenly Father, when Your Son prayed for His disciples, He asked You “that they may be one as we are one.” Now two of Your children are at odds with each other. Remove the dividing wall that is between [insert their names]. May the power of Your Holy Spirit convict their hearts of sin, lead them to confess and forgive, and move them to be reconciled to each other. Let them see Your face filled with grace and hope because of Your Son who died for their sins. If it is Your will, use me as an instrument of Your peace. For the sake of Christ, I pray. Amen.
For hope of healing
Dear Jesus, Healer of body and soul, have compassion on me [or mention others by name]. You are the Resurrection and the Life—the source of all healing. Because You walked this earth as a man, personally enduring the trials of human suffering, You know the depths of my [person’s] pain—physical, emotional, and spiritual. Have mercy on me [name]. According to Your will, bring relief to the suffering. Heal the hurts and heaviness of heart. Assure me [name] of Your love and Your promise to always be with me [name]. But if the suffering should continue for a while, give me [name] courage, strength, and perseverance. Increase my [person’s] faith and trust in You that I [name] may never lose hope. For You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen.
For Glorifying God in My Conflict
Heavenly Father, I thank and praise you for the salvation accomplished by your Son on the cross for my sins. In my conflicts with others, provide your Spirit’s power to curb my tongue and keep me from speaking words that do harm. Guide my responses to conflict so that they glorify you. I especially pray for my conflict with [name]. Increase my trust in you, that I may be a witness for what you have done for me in Christ. In Jesus’ holy name I pray. Amen.
For Reconciling With Someone
I praise you, O God, for reconciling me to you while I was still a sinner. Help me reconcile with [name]. Through your Word, teach me to examine my own heart that I may be convicted of my sin. Lead me to confess to you and to those I have hurt. Guide me to gently restore the other person. Send your Holy Spirit into both our hearts that we may be reconciled in our relationship with you and with one another. May our restored relationship be a living witness of your gift of reconciliation. I pray this for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
For Getting the Log Out of My Eye
Gentle Savior, I am often blind to my own faults. By nature I want to defend and protect myself. But you did not protect yourself when dying on the cross for my sins. Instead, you willingly laid down your life for me, taking on my punishment, that I may be restored to God and live eternally in heaven. Help me see my faults in conflict, especially my dispute with [name]. Grant me insight that I may see where I have failed you and others. Assure me of your love as you guide me in confession that I may hear your promise of forgiveness. Then, according to your will, grant my reconciliation with all those I have sinned against. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
For Trust and Patience in Conflict
Gracious God, my Peacemaker, in times of conflict I struggle to endure what it takes to make peace. As I face these trials, my trust in you waivers and I become impatient. Increase my faith that I may trust you completely in my conflicts. Today I pray for my dispute with [name]. Give me patience to experience the conflict as an opportunity to grow closer to you. And above all, I pray that you would continue to remind me of your presence in my life, that I might glorify you. I pray in Christ’s name. Amen.
For Those with Whom We Are in Conflict
Dearest Father, you teach me to bless those who curse me and pray for those who mistreat me, but it is so hard. Please open my heart to pray for [name] and seek your blessing for him/her and for our reconciliation. Protect him/her from bitterness or anger that could cause even more hurt. Where I have sinned, help me to recognize my sin and give me the strength to confess that sin to you and to him/her. Prepare both [name] and me to reconcile with one another as you have reconciled us to you through Christ. Comfort us with the assurance of your love for both of us, and send your Holy Spirit to guide us. I pray this for the sake of Jesus, who died for both of us. Amen.
For One I Know Who Is in Conflict
Dearest Father, I lift up before you [name]. He/she is struggling to resolve a conflict. Mighty God, our Peacemaker, send your Spirit to enable [name] to see this conflict as an opportunity to glorify you, serve others, and grow more like Christ. Help him/her confess how he/she has sinned against you and the other person, and give him/her a forgiving heart toward the other. Grant that they may both lay this conflict at the foot of the cross and be reconciled through your Son, who reconciled us to you. In his name I pray. Amen.
For Approaching Someone in Conflict with Me
Heavenly Father, you have promised to be with me in all things. You teach that I have a responsibility to speak to those with whom I am in conflict. Please forgive me for my sin in this situation. Prepare my heart to be tender and my voice to be gentle as I speak to [name]. Guide me to use words that will not anger but instead bring healing. Give us both wisdom to understand one another’s interests and to seek godly solutions. Help me to reflect to him/her the love and forgiveness you lavish upon me. I pray in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
For Forgiving Someone
Lord God, heavenly Father, when we experience difficulties in relationships, we often suffer because someone has sinned against and hurt us. You teach us to forgive as you have forgiven us. Because I stand before you forgiven for Jesus sake, I pray that you will help me to forgive in the same way you have forgiven me. I especially ask for help forgiving [name]. Lead me to love those who have hurt me. Develop in me the same attitude that Christ has towards me, and break down my unforgiveness. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
For Praising God for Reconciliation
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases (Psalm 103:2-3). I praise you, Father, for reconciling me and other sinners to you through Jesus Christ. I thank you, Holy Spirit, for the gift of faith and divine power to do that which I cannot do on my own. I worship you, Jesus, for guiding [name] and me to reconcile as your forgiven children. May your peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.
A Benediction Prayer (Hebrews 13:20-21)
Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
Idol Exposing Questions
What physical pleasure did you find yourself thinking about much of the time?
When a certain desire or expectation was not met, did you feel frustration, resentment, bitterness, or anger?
What was unsatisfying about the gifts God has given you?
How did you get even with the other person when you did not get what you wanted from him/her?
What do you find yourself thinking about much of the time?
What causes you the most worry? How has your anxiety replaced your trust in God?
Fill in blank: “If only I had ________, then I would be happy, fulfilled, and secure.” What does this suggest to you about your trust in God for what you desire?
When a certain desire or expectation is not met, do you feel frustration, resentment, bitterness, or anger?
How are your expectations of the other person magnifying your demands on her and your disappointment in her failure to meet your desires?
How are you judging the other person when your desires are not met?
How are you getting even with the other person when your desires are not met?
How have you communicated to the other person what you feel she must do?
How have you threatened the other person?
What preoccupies your thoughts? (What is the 1st thing on your mind in the morning or the last thing at night?)
Fill in blank: “If only I had _______, then I would be happy, fulfilled, and secure.” What does this suggest to you about your trust in God for what you desire?
When a certain desire or expectation is not met, do you feel frustration, resentment, bitterness, or anger?
Whose approval do you want most of all?
Whom are you seeking to please at almost any cost?
What do you want to preserve or avoid about your
In this situation, what or whom do you fear most?
What or whom have you sacrificed or executed to get what you wanted?
Use Proclaiming God’s Forgiveness for confession
Proclaim God’s forgiveness
Prepare the party to confess to the other person
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Foundations of Christian Adjudication Resources
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