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We're Shaking Things Up - We've Moved

Kerri Goss

*Our re-creation of an old promotion (see below)

Yeah, it’s only about 500 feet but we’ve moved to a new suite. With an increase in staff and a growing ministry (thanks to many of you) we asked our landlord at the end of 2023 if any new suites were available. Thankfully the Lord provided this suite complete with a garage space where we now house our resource room. The space got quite a few upgrades – new paint, new lights, new flooring, new bathroom fixtures, and general upgrades. Maddy will occupy the built-in reception area with many existing cabinets and Dwight, Annette, Kerri and our contracted bookkeeper, Glenna, will each have their own offices. Plus, we have one extra office, a mechanical room and that large resource room. Our staff did much of the heavy lifting by moving all our shelves and boxes of resources into the new suite. Thank goodness for many dollies and a nice day to move. Bruce Zagel contributed his strength to moving and even building new shelves. The rest of the move was hired out due to our busy schedules. With a small staff we continue to be amazed by the ways the Lord has blessed us and provided for us. This is just another one of his amazing blessings. And, if you are ever in Billings, please stop by to visit us – we'd love to give you a tour! 

Our mailing address is still the same but if you are shipping straight to our office then please update the address to: 2110 Overland Ave, Ste 111, Billings, MT 59102. In addition, you will notice that we have new extensions and direct numbers. Call 844-447-2671 and you can reach us. Along with our staff addition of Maddy and updated roles for Annette and Kerri things are changing for the better. However, AoR is still committed to bringing the ministry of reconciliation to believers around the world. That will never change until our Reconciler, Jesus Christ, comes back to make all things new and establish complete peace with God and others to be our reality. Until then we’ll be here so let us know how we can serve you. 

If you are local or know someone who is, we are holding an Open House on Friday, May 3, 2024 from 12:00pm-3:00pm.  

Enjoy these pictures of the move and new suite. We're still settling in so not many pictures up yet.

*Annette wasn't quite feeling herself during this picture.

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Gardenia plants are cherished for their fragrant, creamy-white blooms and glossy green foliage. These evergreen shrubs thrive in warm climates and well-drained, acidic soil, making them ideal for gardens and indoor containers. With proper care, including regular watering, indirect sunlight, and occasional fertilization, gardenias reward gardeners with stunning flowers that emit a sweet, jasmine-like scent. Popular varieties include Gardenia jasminoides, known for its large, fragrant blossoms. Often used in landscaping, hedges, and floral arrangements, gardenias symbolize purity and love. Their intoxicating fragrance and elegant appearance make them a favorite among plant enthusiasts and gardeners worldwide.


Unknown member
Apr 05, 2024

Here's a quick 1 minute tour of the new digs. We feel blessed!


Hello everyone! Congratulations on expanding and continuing to be faithful and help other's with conflict. I LOVED your funny picture! It good to see you all being your natural self. lol

Kerri Goss
Jul 09, 2024
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Sorry for the delayed response. Thanks Melinda! We are pretty goofy at times!

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