It's time to start thinking about Fall reconciliation training and preparing for the new Christian Reconciler Certificate! The certificate program is launching this Fall but now is the time to prepare! We have many training course options available around the country. PLUS you can experience these courses in a NEW way, through a Regional Training Event.
Check our Training Calendar for events near you! But, check back regularly because we have more coming, particularly Winter dates in warmer climates! Green stars on the map are scheduled and yellow stars are in process to be added. We wanted you to have these for your planning.
Each Regional Training Event will have a track for new reconcilers:
A track for experienced reconcilers which is one of our advanced courses:
We are also including an optional Continuing Education and Fellowship opportunity at each Regional Training Event. This will include a half day refresher with one of our most popular seminars; Fear, Cravings and Misplaced Trust, plus a fellowship opportunity that is unique at each event.

Finally, remember that we can partner with you to raise funds to cover your training registration fees! It's possible you can attend these trainings for FREE through AoR's Crowdfunding Initiative. This is a win-win-win scenario. You win through reduced/eliminated training fees, your friends win because they learn about the ministry of reconciliation and the Kingdom is expanded.
Let us know how we may help you begin your fundraising TODAY so you're ready for the Fall training opportunities!
The Lord bless you and keep you.
In Christ,
P.S. Are you part of a Reconciliation Ministry? Ask us how we can partner with you to raise funds for your ministry's reconciliation resources and training!